Sunday, October 04, 2009

Church Quilts

My mom Peggy posted pictures of her weekend over on her blog at A Primitive Plot.  Awesome display.  Beautiful sanctuary made even more beautiful by massing  quilts, quilts, and more quilts.  It was all for a great cause too.  


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Is that the Presbyterian church in Springfield?

    Hi, my friend! I still peek in on you from time to time. Congrats on the new grandson! Did I also hear that Sara is pregnant? Your arrangements are beautiful, as usual! :)

    - Leah

  2. Hi Leah--great to hear from you! This church is in Michigan, close to where my mom lives. Yes, our friend Sarah is expecting a new baby at the end of the month. How about new pictures on your blog? I'm missing your beautiful designs!
