Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Sunday Morning Breakfast

Just wanted to show you the breakfast that Mark made for me last Sunday morning.  It was fabulous.  I don't mention often enough that I have the best husband in the whole world.  Now  I wonder if he would do that again on a Tuesday? 


  1. Is MArk availalbe for hire? I would like that breakfast. Yumednistag

  2. Anonymous10:44 AM

    breakfast looks good but I am wondering is that on a Currier and Ives plate and is that a Currier and Ives cup. Evangeline (Peggy's friend)

  3. I love comments! CWS, sorry, I can't hire Mark out--I need him here! And Evangeline, I do have a piece or two of currier & ives, but my abolutely favorite everyday dishes are plain ole blue willow. Thanks again for checking out the blog and taking the time to leave a comment. :-)
