Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Celebrating Social Work Month . . . Flowers At Work

I was so engrossed in the presentation that I forgot all about taking pictures of happy social workers!   You really do need to recruit a substitute photographer when you are the hostess/trainer and  your right-hand man is home sick with the flu.   

We talked about some research that supports the idea that flowers trigger positive moods, increase social behaviors, speed healing,  increase productivity, and even help improve our memory.    So it could be that the flower's job is to make people happy and healthy.   And we thought a flower was just a pretty face . . .

Monday, March 29, 2010

Amazing Tulips

Because tulips keep growing and stretching, twisting & turning, just add some more water and every day is a new vase. And ya know how I'm always saying, "don't keep your flowers too long"? Well, here are the exceptions. If the falling petals--each one a beautiful work of art--are still charming to you even as they scatter, keep them another day. And then, if the remaining stems hold up these gorgeous anthers--well, they can stay another day too. And then after that, it's time to go tulip shopping again!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thank You

From Kathy and Lori, an Artique gift certificate!  Can't wait to see them again in a few weeks.  Let's go shopping!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Birthday Weeder

This is my new birthday weeder from  my mama.  Doesn't it look wicked?  It's called a Hooke n Crooke . . . I bet it's going to scare the weeds right out of the garden!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March Flowers

The plans for our Flowers At Work presentation for Social Work Month are coming together.   I'm getting excited about it and I hope they'll like it.   Watch for pictures next week!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ISFA Tablescape Competition

This was my favorite entry in the tablescape competition, by designer Jane Lindley of True Colors.  So much detail--the tablecloth was covered with leaves, the placemats were woven foliages, and I loved her galax roses.   Beautiful!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome Spring!

I wanted to say something like, "we thought you'd never get here" or "well, it's about time" or something kind of grouchy--ya know how someone might say  that to let you know that they may be glad you showed up, but they aren't happy  that they had to wait for you?   Well, I guess spring comes when it's supposed to  and not a minute sooner, right?  So welcome spring, we're so glad to see you!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fabulous New Mirror by Deb

Love my new mirror  by Deb Goetz over at Flea Market to Fabulous.  She's an artist with a paintbrush . . . and a hammer, and screws, and glass, and mirrors. . . whatever it takes.  Thanks Deb!

I originally thought I would hang this new piece in our smaller bedroom.  But once I got it home, it just really needed to hang in the hallway--where it would reflect granddaddy's hat (Betsy & Kyle's great great grandfather!), mammy's Jesus picture (Betsy & Kyle's great great GREAT grandmother!), and the picture of the poets that I found years ago in a junk find with my mom--"only" their great grandmother :-)

I've got my eye on yet another green shelf at F2F . . .  Look for me next time you're shopping there!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tuesday Flowers

How about a few daisies for the bathroom sink? 

Monday, March 15, 2010

Flowers At Work

These were flowers for the office last week, made in one of the hands-on classes at the conference.   I'm working on a  presentation for social work month about the impact of flowers in the workplace.   I'll tell you more about that soon!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lilla's Birthday Card

Here's the birthday greeting from  Laketown Animal Hospital sent to Lilla today.   We love the folks over there.  They have seen us through bad times and good.  They're on facebook too.

Betsy & Kyle

Rachel's pictures from facebook. . . Betsy's hair is getting so long!  And Kyle's big  blue eyes!  We can't wait to see them again.  Thank goodness for facebook across the miles.   Rachel, love the tulips on your table :-)

Monday, March 08, 2010

Tropical Connection

Phil Rulloda is one of the most famous floral designers in the world.  And here he was, in Springfield, with us on Saturday night!  Every single piece was incredible.Did I mention that every single design was incredible?  Awesome?  Breath-taking.This was the closing design, with the Christ-on-the-cross woven into the palm fan.  It was so beautiful, I cried.Here's Phil with his assistant Phan.  It was a gorgeous show.  Thank you to them.  And thank you ISFA.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Stayin Alive

Most small businesses have had to make big changes due to the economy over the last year, so this year's theme for the Illinois State Florists' Association was "Stayin' Alive".    Frankie Peltiere, Festive Atmospheres, designer.
Amy Steiner was our designer of the year last year.  That was especially fun for my class because Amy is our fearless instructor. 
We all love Amy and she did such a good job, but her little girl Hanna stole the show!
And here's how  to make a casket spray the ICPF way. . .  Bill McKinley, instructor

Friday, March 05, 2010

Friday @ ISFA Convention

 From yesterday's class.  Love the little bird, but not sure  I'll ever be able to do another one.  (Don't tell PR that--he would make me turn my I Can button upside down!)  Now I know why it's affectionately called "that damn bird!" among the flower folks who have taken his class :-)  The instructor and his assistant can make them in one minute. 

Off to a sympathy flowers class this morning and Amy's show tonight. . .

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Flower School

Today I took off my social worker hat and went to flower school.  Here's Phil Rulloda, the master of tropical designs.   He taught us how to braid and weave foliages into all sorts of designs.  Now if I can just remember a tenth of what he taught us.
And here's my instructor Amy, who was the Illinois State Florists' Association's 2009 Designer of the Year.  Patty, a sweet friend and classmate,  is admiring one of the designs that Amy  made for her show tomorrow night.  Stay tuned for more pictures from the convention!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Today's my 54th birthday.  V gave me a  new phone, so I can text more, and I love the spiffy new red color.  Mark, TBHITWW, and I took the day off and we're going to breakfast and out to The Farm. 

I am blessed today.  Lots of good wishes from my facebook friends, a day off from  a job I'm thankful to have, the next four days off for flower classes (yay!  the black spirl-y thing in the picture is for a corsage), two sons that I'm so proud of, two beautiful grandchildren, and on and on and on. . . 

So a few aches and pains, a few worries-- those are just life's way of reminding me to focus on my blessings and how good I have it in so many ways. 

Love to Tami and Terry and their families today.

Monday, March 01, 2010

March 1st

I have a new spring resolution--no more griping about the weather! How long you think that will last?   I did find 5 Things To Do Instead of Complain over on Jon Gordon's blog this morning.  Maybe those words of wisdom will help. . . along with a good dose of above-30-degree temps and some sunshine!