Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Celebrating Social Work Month . . . Flowers At Work

I was so engrossed in the presentation that I forgot all about taking pictures of happy social workers!   You really do need to recruit a substitute photographer when you are the hostess/trainer and  your right-hand man is home sick with the flu.   

We talked about some research that supports the idea that flowers trigger positive moods, increase social behaviors, speed healing,  increase productivity, and even help improve our memory.    So it could be that the flower's job is to make people happy and healthy.   And we thought a flower was just a pretty face . . .


  1. Destuni7:08 AM

    LOVE IT!!!! They all look so creatively funky spring! :) I'm sure they all enjoyed

  2. I knew it would be fabulous! What you said is what flowers do for us. Especially in the right hands.

  3. Thanks for those nice comments. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun and I want to do that again! Special thank you to Michelle & Destuni at Petals & Co!
