Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

These pictures are from my mom's blog that she posted last Easter.  When she was young, she had a corsage for Easter Sunday morning.  I don't remember having corsages, but I always had a new outfit with a new hat.  And this is an Easter Sunday at her church when she was growing up at  Arcadia Methodist.  I don't remember this building.  They built a new sanctuary with the most beautiful stained glass windows behind the alter.   I loved hearing my mom play the organ every Sunday.   
I was 6 in this picture, standing in front of the catalpha tree.   Don't think I ever climbed another tree in my whole life, but I loved to climb this one.
And here's Betsy in her Easter dress last year.  Can't wait to see her picture with her little brother Kyle for this Easter.   

Happy Easter everybody!

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