Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Thanks to Mark for sacrificing and tying yet another tie for me!  I couldn't do these without him :-)  Happy Father's Day to Mark and to all the fathers in my life. 

Especially thinking about my fathers-in-law this year.  Warren, who loves me and is always glad to see me.  Daddy Bud, who loved me even when Tommy was gone so many more years than we had him.  And Doyle--whose face would light up when he saw us coming-- he was so crazy about Judson and Isaac when they came along.  I am so blessed to have had each one of them in my life. 

I'm still in Michigan on Powers Pond.  It's a beautiful morning in Michigan with my mom and sister and brother-in-law and the golden girls Rosie and Joy.  We're babysitting our beautiful great nephew John.  Enjoy your father's day too.

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