Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our hot-humid-temps+daily-thunderstorm weather has been the norm lately, but this morning is really pleasant.  Hoping that we have a few days of low(er) humidity so that I can get another session of serious weeding done.  For some reason, I haven't been into non-serious weeding this season :-)  

The daylilies are beautiful right now.  This is one that Lori and I found  at King's one year. The daylily society (or was it the garden club?) was having a sale there.  Love the small flowers and love how  it always  reminds me of that day that we shopped, thinking that we didn't really need another daylily, but there were so many and maybe we could find a spot for just one more, especially if it was small . . .  

And here's my G man, at my side in the garden this morning.
Hope your Thursday is off to such a good start too!


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I remember that day well. We got a daylilly for Kathy that day named "cinderella's dark side". Do you remember that? Love you.

  2. I loved that day! Can't wait to see you again. I love you too
