Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Flowers

Flowers make any day better, but especially Mondays :)  We had a great weekend here at Canada Garden.  Lots of beautiful weather.  A trip to The Farm, where they make it easy to come home and make spiced apple cider!  
Digging and transplanting in the garden to winter over some plants from the containers.  A (very) little  bit of cleaning and clutter-clearing.  A walk with the dogs on the trail.   
The Social Network--yes, Mark went to the movies!--which turned out to be sooo interesting.  And then last night it started to storm.  So glad to see the rain, but not the hail! 
And now it's Monday.   The plan is to work this morning, then to St. Louis with my friend Patty for a flower class this afternoon :)  Hope your Monday is good too.

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