Monday, December 06, 2010

Walking Stick

Yesterday  while I was going through my daily blog tour, I found this new (to me) blog called From The Soil, by a gardener in Champaign.  Great garden inspiration from a neighbor just a hundred miles or so to the east of this garden.  Gardening is taking a back seat to Christmas decorating right now, but I am already feeling a case of spring fever coming on. . .

Mark helped me put lights on this shrub back when we had a weekend of near-70 degree temps.  We're missing that weather now!  Lori gave me this walking stick a few years ago and I love it.  During the summer,  the leaves are nothing special and totally cover the interesting lines. But it's a star during the winter months, especially when it's covered with snow.
I woke up with a crappy cold this morning.   Mark, my own personal weatherman, tells me it might get down to ZeRo tonight.  This early?  That's not right!?!  But we're hoping for warmer temps this weekend, cause my mom & my sis are coming!  Yay!  Okay, going to make some hot lemonade now.  Gotta get well  so we can enjoy our visit. . .

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