Saturday, January 01, 2011

Book Reviews of 2010

Mama's kitty, Walker. . . as in Texas Ranger. . .
Mama loaned me Little Bee to read when I was there last summer.  I kept meaning to get around to it, but my kindle has me so spoiled that I put it off for all these months.  I can't believe that it took me so long to read this wonderful story.  I LoVeD it!   So much sadness and awfulness going on in the world around us right now even as I sit here in a safe warm house with a full refrigerator and good health and a job to go to on Monday and people who love me in this life.  I don't understand it, but I'm grateful.

Rescue by Anita Shreve:  Another great book from one of my favorite authors.  The main character is an EMT.  Really quick, easy to read, and interesting story.

Our Tragic Universe by Scarlett Thomas:  Loved this one too, about a broke and miserable writer who gets to experience success and freedom.  Quirky characters, set in England.

Happy New Year.  May this year bring continued blessings and lots of good reading!

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