Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Branching Out

My facebook account has been fixed!  Whew!  That was a lesson in just how addicted I am.  Facebook is like the newspaper used to be.  Here are more pictures from the workshop this weekend.  Love these branch sculptures.

 This is Bob Friese, AIFD, our host, telling us about these gorgeous hand-made reindeer.  No 'made in china' labels anywhere :)

This is James Lutcke, the designer who made the birds for the White House Christmas trees.  We got to hear all about his Washington DC adventure.  His work is incredible.
James' red twig dogwood bouquet armature.  I'm going to findr red twig dogwood to plant in the garden this year.
Looking out from Bob's great room.  Awesome twig valence.
Table setting for lunch, which was delicious--homemade soup, bread, & apple pie.

Hope to go back one day to one of their annual Nature's Creative Edge shows.  In the meantime, I'm going to be looking for sticks!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Branching Out, Returning Home

I had a great trip to Michigan over the weekend.  Got to visit with my mom and my sis which was wonderful, then on to a class that's been on my wish-list for quite some time.   I loved every minute, except for the driving around Chicago, which I'll have to tell you about sometime.

Home looked awfully good when I drove in the driveway last night.  And these new pictures were waiting :)  Yay!  They are so beautiful.  I can't wait to see my Betsy-girl and Kyle-boy again.
Here's a quick couple of shots from the Branching Out class taught by Bob Friese and James Lutke.  Great teachers and hosts.  It was chilly, but beautiful.  The studio was warmed by a wood stove.  Lunch was home-made soup, bread, & pie. 
It's really good to be home.  My most immediate problem now is not really going back to work, it's that facebook won't let me in.  And while I am willing to try life without a printed newspaper--I don't believe I can live without facebook.  The facebook team has already responded once, so hopefully that will be fixed soon.  Here's to a good Tuesday :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

These went to Tracy who cuts my hair and listens to my stories.   I always look forward to seeing her.
These went to Bridget, who reminds me to be kind to myself.  Who doesn't need someone like that in their life?
And these went to my office.  I came home with hundreds of roses from the show :)  And tomorrow, it's off to another corsage class--prom is comin' up!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wedding Bouquets

If you'd like to see a few of the wedding bouquets from the ISFA show, check out the Petals & Co blog.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Corsages

I took a corsage class at the state conference.  Neither of these look anything like the ones we did in class! But still, I had fun with them.  Love that new flat wire that's in the above picture.  And the green one below was made for St. Paddy's Day.  Did you ever go to school without any green way back then?  I remember getting pinched, so I really try to remember the green even after all these years :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rocking to the Beat Floral Design Trends 2011

Bill Harper put on a great show!  He was so nice in the workroom and his designs were awesome.  Loved the apples, the yarn, the  strings of hypericum. 
Natural garden of yellow runuculus, pussy willow, and bear grass. 

Time to go to the produce section of the grocery to get some orange orange orange!

The pink nerine bouquet was spectacular.

This is  what happens after a show--everybody goes up to get a closer look and take pictures.  There's Des from Petals & Co in the yellow and black dress.   We had such a good time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

J Schwanke at the Friday night Rockin' Weddings show.  He's always entertaining and inspiring.  I love his how-to-arrange-flowers videos, also known as jtv, on ubloom.

Katie Selmi helped J make designs for his show and this is one of my favorites.  Love the photo cube that was available for pictures.  Today is the last day of the conference.  Thank you so much to ISFA for such a great show!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Let It Rock ISFA 2011

It's that time of year again!  Illinois State Florists' Association Spring Conference, just a couple of miles from Canada Garden.  I had a great time helping  yesterday.  Loved hanging out with Michelle, her mom Gail, Frankie, Adam.   Yes, it was lots of work--stuffing gift bags, breaking down boxes, sweeping, lifting, bending.  (Gail and I decided it was great training for all the gardening we'll soon be doing.)  The flowers are luscious--every box that we opened was filled with gorgeous stems--hellebores, clematis, hanging helaconia,  RoSeS, orchids, gerbs, lysemachia, amaranthus. . . And over the next few days, all those stems will be used to make fabulous art.  Watch for more pictures from this flower-filled weekend.  Can you tell I'm a happy girl??   :)

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Spring Bulbs

Yesterday I was at work, going from building to building in a cold, damp, March wind and I noticed the crocus blooming in front of Monroe Hall.  I've been watching them bloom every spring for twenty years now.  Just a couple of little clumps in the middle of the lawn, and I always wonder who planted them?  Some staff person at some point before me, leaving her mark.  I thank her.   I assume it was a woman--a social worker or a nurse, maybe.  Or it could have been a squirrel :)  Anyway, what's blooming in your kitchen window sill?

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Things My Mama Sent Me

Mama sent me birthday box last week.  A new-found book--Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him--that's gotta be a good read. . .   A felted bag for carrying a bottle of water--love that green!   And one of her special-made pillows that I LoVe. . .   I put it on the shelf with my sweet pea seeds, cause I'm praying for a bumper crop of those little blooms this spring.

I had a great birthday and while I can wait a while til my next one, I decided that I don't mind  being 55 if it feels this good :)

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Blue & Yellow

I LoVe Saturdays!   Went out to visit with Gail at The Farm, got the truck stuck in the field--thank you Dave for the tractor tow!--stopped at Jeffrey Alan's to drool over the new spring silks, dinner at Ross Isaac with my wonderful husband, a phone call from Judson, a new Betsy picture on my phone . . . Life is very very good.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Live Laugh Love Dig Holes

live laugh sign from Lori, my sister gardener
 I love that G Dog and Lilla to no end.  They are the best.  Right now they are lying at my feet like gorgeous golden  angels with fur.  But when we're at work and they're at their posts in the garden, they think their duty is to chase down any little critter, or even the smell of a critter, and GET IT!  even if it means digging a hole to China. 

This is the time in the garden that seems to go at warp speed.  We've had a long, slow, quiet winter.  But in the spring, it feels like God presses the fast-forward button.  Time to live and laugh and garden.  And dig holes.