Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Branching Out, Returning Home

I had a great trip to Michigan over the weekend.  Got to visit with my mom and my sis which was wonderful, then on to a class that's been on my wish-list for quite some time.   I loved every minute, except for the driving around Chicago, which I'll have to tell you about sometime.

Home looked awfully good when I drove in the driveway last night.  And these new pictures were waiting :)  Yay!  They are so beautiful.  I can't wait to see my Betsy-girl and Kyle-boy again.
Here's a quick couple of shots from the Branching Out class taught by Bob Friese and James Lutke.  Great teachers and hosts.  It was chilly, but beautiful.  The studio was warmed by a wood stove.  Lunch was home-made soup, bread, & pie. 
It's really good to be home.  My most immediate problem now is not really going back to work, it's that facebook won't let me in.  And while I am willing to try life without a printed newspaper--I don't believe I can live without facebook.  The facebook team has already responded once, so hopefully that will be fixed soon.  Here's to a good Tuesday :)

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