Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Time In The Garden

Ever since I read this post over on May Dreams Garden, I have been thinking about finding--no, making--time  for the garden.  I love it out there, so why is it that  I get busy, think it's too cold or too wet, or that I just don't have time to go out today?  Being out in the garden should be like taking a shower--I make the time to do it, and it makes me feel better--so why not the garden too? 

Maybe it's because I think that when I go out into the garden, I should Work.  Weed.  Transplant.  Prune.  Pick up Sticks.  All those sorts of things.  But really, even just a turn around the garden with G Dog and Lilla is  five good minutes spent.  Sometimes the best minutes of the day. 

And because I get to spend a lot of time at work, this little iris pot--this little piece of the garden--went to work with me.  Now if I could just get myself to make time to exercise everyday too :)

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