Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Big Garden

This topiary garden was next door to one of the gardens we toured this weekend.  We couldn't help but peek over the fence at the incredible sculptures.
This last one was my very favorite.  Wonder if he has a name.  And at first I thought maybe it would be really fun to have him greet me everytime I drove up into the driveway. . .  But then maybe he talks to his gardeners like my plants talks to me all the time--mine say things like "weed me" or "water me" or "feed me".  I bet this big guy has a booming voice that tells his gardeners "PPRRRUUNNNE MMEEE" every time they look at him.


  1. OMG! These are amazing. They must employ a full time garden boy just to maintain the animals. I told Jeff that I need a garden boy. He made no comment.

  2. Rhonda D.11:45 AM

    Kynda, these are wonderful! Were they in Springfield? There used to be a yard on North Grand Ave years ago that had giant topiary teacups and tea pots. I always had to slow down when I drove past it so I could gape :-)

  3. Rochester--and it wasn't on the tour this year, although I understand that it was open last year. Maybe they'll be open again so we can get an up close look!
