Thursday, June 30, 2011

Proven Winners Garden

When you see these pictures, you're going to see why I had to go feed my containers yesterday.

 This Proven Winners Display garden at Four Star Greenhouse in Carleton, Michigan is close to PJ. 
I wanna know their secret rabbit repellant, cause we didn't see one sign of a rabbit anywhere.  Unlike my garden, where alyssum is considered the perfect midnight snack by the neighborhood bunnies.

It's too late to have big daisies blooming on the driveway, but maybe a few  flagstone leaves for the patio one day . . .

These black & white petunias are really cute--I couldn't find any when I got back home, so they're going on next year's list.

Every mixed container was like a work of art. 

I could look at this foliage container all day

 So much for that old one-spike-in-the-middle design . . .

I think this was my favorite bed--a swath of orange & red that seemed to go on forever.  If we  had the time, I'd be talking to Mark about traveling all over Michigan in August for their state-wide greenhouse tour.    In the meantime, feed those containers!  :)

1 comment:

  1. and it will be even more beautiful when all those containers start spreading and all the other things start blooming. Looks like you will just have to come back in August.
