Saturday, June 11, 2011


This is a weekend of garden tours.  Today was the Artist's Studio & Garden tour to benefit the Prairie Art Alliance.  
 It was such a beautiful day.  Seventies, nice breeze, low humidity--couldn't have asked for nicer weather.
 This lake home features a bonsai garden, a greenhouse, a potting shed, a ceramic studio with three kilns, a woodworking shop, and a painter's studio.   Whew! 

This is a piece by Ed Martin.  He's a well-known glass artist here in Springfield.  Several of his pieces were featured, but this one in Wanda's garden was our favorite.
This is what you can do if you garden on a corner.
Such a cute paint job!
Tomorrow is the Rochester Garden Club's tour.  And it's garden walk time here at Canada Garden too.  Jordan & Ruta stopped by today, Phyllis is coming tomorrow, and Gail will be here on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could see your garden too! It's time for a video tour for those of us so many miles away:-)
