Thursday, November 24, 2011

HaPpY tHaNkSgIvInG!

Mama's turkey joined the thanksgiving table--not as the main course, but as a character to make you smile.  I love his beak and his feet!  

We are missing missing missing our Isaac and Judson and Rachel and Betsy & Kyle today, but we're looking forward to seeing them all in just a few weeks for Christmas.

It is a pretty nice day for Thanksgiving--gray, but not too cold.  Mark is cooking the turkey.  I made cranberry holiday jello salad last night--the one with apples, oranges, pecans.  V and I love it. 

And this pumpkin pie looks pretty good.  Still have to make the whipped cream-cream cheese topping for it.  Warren and I like the pie, but I bet V and Mark will want a bite of the topping :)
I have a jillion reasons to be thankful on this day.  Myself, my family and loved ones healthy and happy.  Wonderful friends, a job, a home, all this food . . . Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. I know you all had a wonderful day. I was so glad to see my turkey on your table and he was glad Mark didn't cook him.
