Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

Betsy & Kyle are both fans of Angry Birds.  Kyle just could not understand why my phone didn't have birds on it.  What good is a phone without birds??
If there's a gathering of the Jones boys, there will be tree-climbing. . .

Betsy thought her Uncle Ike was pretty cool. 
Cartwheel lesson. . .
Love this glimpse of Betsy's smile  as Judson gives her some frisbee pointers. . .
The weather was perfect for some sidewalk chalk art. . .

It was a beautiful Christmas--everything I ever wanted a Christmas to be.


  1. Lee Ann9:39 PM

    LOVE them all!!!

  2. Thanks, Lee Ann--it was good to see your "babies" on facebook too. They're all growing up on us. Like they're supposed to :)

  3. Sissy8:37 AM

    I love the pics. The boys are so handsome in their old age (haha.) and as always, those babies get more adorable every day! Thanks for posting them. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful Christmas :D

  4. Kathy3:50 PM

    Love the pictures. So thankful you all were together on Christmas everyone looks so happy.
