Sunday, March 04, 2012

56 Years & Counting

sweet card from my mama
It was a beautiful day in many ways.  Mark and I went to breakfast--it's a weekly routine that I love on Saturdays, having breakfast at Bob Evans or the Crack or Charlie Parker's with the best husband in the whole wide world and my best friend.  V and I went to The Farm and that's always good for the soul. 

As I've gotten older, I've gotten happier, so 56 is okay with me.   I am thankful for so many blessings. I loved these cards that came in the mail.  And so many birthday wishes on facebook--some from really close friends who just made my heart sing. . . and some from online friends whom I've never met but I visit with everyday. 

another sweet card from my dear friend Gail
But I really want for my birthday this year is for our Jeff Powers to get well and strong again.  He's in the hospital where the doctors haven't yet figured out what's going on with his breathing.  Please pray with us. Love love to him and my sis and my mom.

1 comment:

  1. see....this is why we all love you so much....
