Tuesday, March 06, 2012

ICPF Collection

Our Jeff Powers is still in the hospital tonight.  We're waiting for the results of a lung biospy, which we hope will give some answers as to what is making him so sick and what he needs to get better.  Please pray with us.  He will be 50 exactly one month from today and he needs to get well in time to have lots of CaKe for his birthday.  We're all looking forward to celebrating with him.

While we're waiting, I've been working on this collection for the flower show this weekend.    I am nervous about showing these pieces to so many professional florists, but  having someone you love get sick is one way to remember what's really important in life.  I feel like saying--okay,  yes, I remember that life lesson--now can we just have Jeff back to his healthy he-man self??
When I was asked to design a collection for the show, I immediately knew that I wanted to include   this  beautiful pottery made by local artist Rich Zimmerman.    Yes, the artificial stems are made in China, but the pottery is made  right here in Springfield. 
Centerpiece  paved with orange and yellow ranunculus and surrounded by a swirling vine.
Orange poppies, green anthurium and hydrangea, with yellow orchids.  The branches are bound with decorative wire, inspired by the Branching Out class with James Lutcke and Bob Friese in Michigan last spring.
The wall hanging was definitely the biggest challenge.  Maybe because I didn't have any of Rich's pottery to go in it :)  Oversized orange gerbera, green anthurium, and hanging datura  accented with lighter green & violet gerbs, fruit, and orange callas.  Curls of copper mega wire for line and fun.

It's been good to have this project going over the last week.  It gave me something to do other than just worry and wait.  Be watching for lots of flower pictures from the show.  Springfield will be full of flowers from all over the world and florists from all over the state.

Next week, I'm heading to Michigan on the train.  Love love to my mom and my sis and to Jeff.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful arrangements. Ya done good, sis. Thanks for the post about Jeffy. Love you.
