Monday, August 27, 2012

The Perfect Spot

This has been my spot for the last few weekends. 
Chocolate + coffee + kindle + umbrella-covered patio set 
 = the perfect spot.
And this is G dog's spot.  
Shade from a walking stick shrub + freshly dug hole
 + sunny afternoon = a dog's life :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Weekend Visit

We had a wonderful visit with Judson and Rachel and the kids.  I love this picture that Rachel took of our patio dining experience.  Next time we will have more than enough corn to go around.  With no grill marks for Betsy :)  And don't overlook Lilla in this picture!
Judson and Rachel are such good parents--
we are so proud of them.
 The next generation of Connect Four at V's.
I have never heard V laugh so much as she does when Betsy & Kyle come to visit. It was a bittersweet visit because Warren is sick.  But we had precious time together and loved every minute.
And another shot of Kyle with his bucket of rocks.  He was so proud of himself.  

So good to know that they are just four little hours away now and we can have weekend visits more often.  Love love from Springfield to Madisonville.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tomato Picking

Yesterday's tomato  pick.    Betsy kept saying, "I'm so excited to come to see you!".  And when she left she said, "I'm so excited to come to see you and now I'm sad  we're leaving."   We all feel that way.  But thank goodness they now live just a few little hours away instead of a whole day's drive.  We'll see them again soon. 

My father in law is sick, so we're all pretty  sad right now.  Thank you to Judson and Rachel for bringing  Betsy and Kyle--they're the best medicine.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Pineapple and Cherokee Purple
We grow Whoppers and Better Boys too, but these taste better :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Flowers

You might think I haven't been up to much 
by the number of posts lately.  
And you'd be mostly right :)
Sandy's beautiful blue bowl 
with a few flowers for her new office.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Hallelujah Sunday

It was an absolutely glorious Sunday.  An inch of rain last night.  An early morning bike ride.  A walk through the garden, which is breathing a sigh of relief. . .
I sat here reading on the kindle under the umbrella almost all day with afternoon temperatures in the 80s.
And this evening, blackberry peach crisp with Breyers vanilla.  It was a Hallelujah Sunday :)

Very simple recipe:  Toss fruit with lemon juice and a little almond flavoring.  Crisp topping:  1 stick of butter, 1/2 cup sugar & 1/2 cup brown sugar (I used 1 cup of light brown), 1 cup flour whisked together til crumbly.  Top the fruit with the crisp, bake 15 minutes at 350 covered with foil, then 20 minutes uncovered til browned & bubbly.  You know what to do next.