Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Wednesday Goldens

I loved our visit with Joy and Rosie, my sister PJ & brother-in-law's two rescued goldens.  G Dog was just saying to me this morning that he had a great time with them and can't wait for them to come visit again.  But he said no thank you to a road trip to go see them in Michigan.  He gets a little carsick, you know.

Our lives these days are mostly affected by how my father-in-law is doing.  If he's having a good day, things are not so bad and we're holding up okay.  Tired, but okay.  If it's a not-so-good day, it feels pretty overwhelming.  And we're even more tired.

This morning, G Dog and Lilla woke me up at 4:30.  Yes, 4:30.  That's breakfast time, don't you know? So after breakfast--their breakfast, not mine--I drove over to see if Warren might be up.  Not a light on in the house.  Hoping they got lots of good sleep last night.

Okay, now on to my breakfast.  Cottage cheese with blueberries?  Protein drink with frozen strawberries?  Well, maybe I'll just have another cup of coffee.  G Dog says he'll have some coffee too.

Have a good Wednesday :)

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