Saturday, December 08, 2012

Betsy in her Great-Great-Granddaddy's Hat

This hat belonged to my granddaddy, Raymond White, also known as Great-Grandma Peggy's dad.
We'll have to ask my mom to tell us where this was taken.  That looks like a fancy bench he's sitting on.  He played the guitar, although I don't remember hearing him play.  Maybe because TV had come along by then, and he loved TV.  I do remember watching Andy Griffith with him and counting the change from the filling station every night. 

 Mike has the guitar now and I know he treasures it.  Granddaddy's hat has been hanging on my walls for years--since way before my boys were born.  But Betsy was the first one who said she wanted to wear it.  She looks so cute in it!  Wish he were here to see her.

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