Saturday, February 09, 2013

Brooch Bouquet

 This cute little kitty is Bella.  She's Gail's owner :)  
She kept us all entertained the other day 
when we got together to catch up and have lunch together.
 I've been wanting to make one of those brooch bouquets.  Some of them are made entirely with brooches, but I just wanted a few sprinkled over the real stars of any bouquet--the fLoWeRs!
This is my first one, but it won't be the last :)
 Freeze-dried roses, spray roses, hydrangea, lotus pods, burlap roses, cotton bolls, and shelf fungus.  Yes, fungus. That stuff that grows on rotting trees. . . I know, I know, but it fit perfectly into the whole scheme!  Then a few wire swirls with vintage rhinestones all wrapped up in burlap and pinned with pearls.   
I've already got plans for the next one.  Pink!


  1. Sissy8:41 PM

    This is really beautiful. I love the roses.

  2. ART!!!!!!! Did you pin it?
