Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Birthday to Isaac

Today is Isaac's birthday.  He's 28 years young and living his dream in Denver.  If you know Isaac, you know that he is passionate about crystals, agates, and geodes.  I don't really understand the difference in all those terms, but Isaac does.   
When Isaac was home at Christmas, he left this pair of geodes with this message:

Mom. . . This is called a Las Choyas Geode from Mexico.  It is extremely rare to find dark amethyst (or amethyst at all) inside of these.  Maybe they could go with a house plant?  (That's what I've been doing.)  Put them wherever you like, just know they represent a piece of how much I love you.  

And it's signed with his swoopy signature that is uniquely Isaac's.  Thank you Isaac, for the geodes and the sweet note, and sharing something that means so much to you.  You have a beautiful spirit, a tender heart, and a fierce passion for following your own path.  Have a happy happy birthday and a wonderful year.   I love you past heaven. 

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