Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday Thanks

Last year, there was a grand total of three blooms on these shrubs.  We were in the middle of that hot July drought when I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever have rain again.  It reminds me of the Psalm--joy comes in the morning.

The beautiful bench came from The Farm.   Yesterday had lunch at LaPeep, catching up on family news, gardening, and even plans for ChRiStMaS with my sweet friend Gail!  It was the highlight of my Monday :)

Today V has major plumbing work done.  I'm making chicken salad,  going to the dry cleaners and then dropping off some things at Goodwill.  Thankful for plumbers, for dry cleaners, and that we have Goodwill to pass along things that we don't need anymore so that someone somewhere will  find a good use for them.

I'm also thankful this morning for my work and the staff.  Bless the hospital, those who work there, and the people we serve.

Hope it's a good Tuesday for you  in your world too.

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