Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dinner at V's

V went with us last night to look at the house on the lake again.  She said there's a lot of steps.  There are.  She said there are a lot of sticks in the yard.  There are.  She said it's a nice house.  It is. 

Then today, V called and invited us to dinner for salmon patties, green beans, corn, slaw, and cornbread.  With lots of butter :)  It was a great supper and reminded me of  mama and grandma's cooking.  We loved it.

Still no definite decision on the house.  In the meantime, Mark is painting the basement walls and floors.  And I'm responsible for cleaning out the flower area--something that should have been done a while ago! 


  1. I think it would be a very drastic mistake to move very far from salmon patties, green beans, coleslaw and cornbread. Just sayin'

  2. naw, we won't move too far from V or her salmon patties! The house on the lake is less than a mile from us.
