Saturday, October 05, 2013

The. Best. Ever.

I have the best. sister. ever.  She gave me this gorgeous old birdcage and it has to be the best. birdcage. ever.!  I can't remember ever seeing one so nice.  I love it.  Thank you sissy!
Our inspiration picture was a birdcage filled with succulents, but this one turned out even better.  It has our mammy's old birdhouse inside surrounded by pansies, pumpkins, and hen&chicks from mama.  It's a family project :)
Sneaked this little shot of mama and PJ while we were at the Meijer Gardens.  


  1. Sissy7:07 PM

    Well, I don't like my picture, but I like Momma's pic, so you can keep it. Just sayin'. I love what you did with the birdcage. I knew you could make it special. Love you. Even if you do post bad pictures of me.

  2. that is not a bad pictures of you! you look happy and YoUnG!

  3. Wow! What a nice sister ~ I have never seen a cuter birdcage! Well, and what that Kynda did to it is also spectacular. And Mama put in her 2 cents worth. A family project for sure. I think you are all amazing (and cute!)
