Thursday, January 30, 2014

January Update

Thanks to my sissy PJ for sharing this little gem on her facebook page.  I just loved it and hope that my mom and Rachel and all moms everywhere see it.  Such a cute little kid and I bet we see more of him. 

"Mom is wow upside down".  I wish I had know that when my boys were little.  Most of the time I felt upside down, but I didn't know about the wow part! 

I am just learning about Soul Pancake.  Go there prepared to have a good time.  And to lose two hours of your life!  I'm also addicted to Upworthy. Things that matter.  Pass 'em on.

I went to see August: Osage County.  LoVeD it and want to go see it again.  Julia Roberts plays the maddest woman I have ever seen on screen.  It's not an easy movie to watch.  I kept thinking, why don't these people get the hell out of there?  At the end, I was happy for them.  Relieved. 

This weekend Betsy & Kyle birthdays.  Next weekend  V's birthday and we're going to see the Ten Tenors at UIS. Isaac is on his way to Tuscon for the gem show next week.  Mark and I are partying three times a week at Spin Zone.  Life is good and I'm so thankful.

Don't forget to get some tulips or daffodils from your florist or from the grocery store.  They will help alleviate spring fever.  There is no cure for spring fever except 70 degree temperatures, but the flowers will help in the meantime. 

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