Thursday, May 15, 2014

Catching Up

A new floral for the office. 
And this is the goat barn at the Easter Egg hunt.  I loved all the different green metals.  
I'd like a garden shed like this one day.
The daffodils were fabulous this year.  They didn't seem to mind the cold winter at all.  And even though I didn't think they would come back, I planted these purple hyacinths from a bulb garden that I bought at Meijer last year.  Oh ye of little faith :) 
Rachel posted this picture of Kyle playing basketball at Laura's.  Her caption, "Big Dreams".  
Laura had this awesomely fierce basketkball court built in her back yard for all her tall boys.  I have to ask her more about how it came to be when we visit again.
 Betsy's kindergarden picture.  
She is so beautiful and she looks so much like her beautiful mom, Rachel.
I grew up in Kentucky, but my teachers never helped us make an awesome Derby hat like this.  
I want one too!
 Off to the Derby party.  With yet another great hat :)

Before & After Locks of Love donation in memory of Isaac's friend Gail Whittles. He's handsome before and handsome after.  So good to have him home for a little while.

The daffodils are gone now.  The allium are blooming, the peonies are budding.  
And the dandelions. . . they are spectacular this year :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad there was a post for me this morning to go with my coffee.
    Precious pictures!
