Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Non-Fiction Book Report

A Fighting Chance by Elizabeth Warren.  I hope I get to vote for  Elizabeth one day.  Since she's from Massachusetts and I'm from Illinois, you know which election I'm talking about.  She says it's not right that the government is making 7% interest off of young people paying off their student loans  while big businesses are getting away with paying no taxes at all.  You go, Elizabeth!
This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate by Naomi Klein.  I can't wait to read this one. The author was a guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night.  Maybe there's still hope for us all . . .
In the meantime, this pretty boy visited with me in the garden a few weeks ago.  Now back to the Kindle. . .    


  1. She would get your Mama's vote too.

  2. Hi there, thanks for stopping in and visiting...look forward to reading more of yours too:)
