Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fall 2014

 Last garden vase of 2014. 
Fall-blooming, long lasting in the garden & in the vase.  
And they dry well!  Who knew?

We had to say goodbye to our sweet Lilla.  We miss her terribly.  She livened everything up because she believed with all her heart that everyone was just so happy to see her!  G is our big strong brave boy--he's his usual quiet self but always ready to play (unless he's sleepy--a guy has to get his beauty sleep!).  He is getting even more loving and people food these days.  A dog makes life better.
And so do anenomes.

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet pictures. Amazing how that white anemone stands up to the cold. I love Lilla's and G's pic. She was the sweetest.
