Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hello 2015

 Well, no it's not quite 2015 yet.  But almost. You've seen this little crocheted Christmas tree many times here.   I don't do a lot of decorating at home anymore now that we've been traveling to be with Bets &  Kyle and their parents for the big day.  But this little tree, made by Larry Greene's mom a long time ago, makes me smile every year.  Poor little squished angel!  Actually the whole thing is in really good shape for its many years of wear.
And now for some rescued-from-the-grocery-store-tulips, how-many-seed-catalogs-came-in-the-mail-today and every-day-a-minute-or-two-more sunlight . . .


  1. I love your little tree. And the pretty scarf underneath it, too. And I love that it's in the kitchen. So sweet.

  2. Your little tree is delightful, Peggy. Happy 2015 and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)
