Monday, May 16, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Mark, aka the best husband in the whole wide world!  I am so proud of him--this low-carb-high-fat way of life has taken his beloved potatoes and bread away but he's seeing amazing results.  His A1C is down by a third, he's gotten off two long-term meds, and all of his clothes are too big.  YaY Mark!  I love you so much and am so proud of you. 


  1. What a perfect place to have your birthday. I checked your weather this morning hoping it was good for fishing.I am so proud of you Mark.

  2. That is quite an accomplishment for you both! My husband and myself also struggle with the best ways to lose weight and have yet to find what works best for us. So, maybe we will check out your plan as it seems to have brought results.
    I am a first time visitor stopping in from Kathleen's blog, Eggs in my pocket. I enjiyed reading yiur comment there on her recent post about how she missed getting snail mail, as do I. And, I offered to exchange letters if she would be interested in an exchange. If yiu would also be interested, please feel free to contact me at the address on our blog (fyi my actual name is Dorothy; Beatrice is a blog pen name).
