Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February Update

 It's that time of year to take some cuttings from your forsythia shrubs and bring them inside to get a head start on spring.  February usually seems long and drab but we've had really warm temps lately.  Next week is forecasted for more of the same--50's, 60's, even 70!

But as my friend Doug said last night, "it's all a tease".  He's right, we're bound to have cold and snow and ice again before spring is here for sure.  In the meantime, the bulbs and the weeds in the garden are starting to show their green sprouts.

V had a birthday this month.  She's 79 very young years old.  She and Mark are watching videos from when Betsy and Kyle were little.  Those always make us smile :)

And here's our Skye girl.  She's still really into shoes.  She looks like she's saying, "I'm not doing anything bad.  Really, I'm not!"  But believe me, she can't be trusted with a shoe. . .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great February so far:)
    Mark and V (and Skye) look really good.
