Saturday, July 01, 2017

June Visits

 I am missing my mom & sis & Jeff and all the fam these days.  PJ and Jeff look great and are our gardening gurus.  I can't believe it's already July 1st and 2017 is  half over!
I'm ready to go back to visit again already.
Mama and I both wore our black & white pants one day.
 When Mark picked me up at the airport, we visited the botanical garden where there was an art glass show by Craig Mitchell Smith.  This was my favorite piece: 
In some places, it was hard to distinguish the real blooms from the glass. 
 The kids came to visit and we had a wonderful time with them as always.  More of our favorite peeps to miss and go visit :)

I was so bummed to miss seeing Jennifer and Isaac when they traveled to Madisonville.  She left her bunny Bun Bun with Rachel for summer vacation.  I'm sure hoping for a good visit with them soon too :)   

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