Thursday, September 28, 2017

My Sweet Friend Tami

 Our little fundraising team with Tami:  Mary, myself, Vickie, Tami, Dan, Dana, Roni.  It was an emotional day seeing so many people turn out for Tami.  She is loved.
 The silent auction was huge!
Our friend Dave K played with his music friends.  Dave was a social worker with us in the McFarland days but he's always been a musician at heart. 
  Doesn't her mom look great?   
 The old CP gang!  Tom, Mark, Sue & Mark visited and laughed together.  It was so good to see them!
 And Edward.  Our friend Edward traveled all the way from St Louis to be with us.  How long has it been? 
And this little shot was taken in Tami's backyard a few weeks ago.  I'm so thankful that she's in remission and we are in this life together.   

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