Friday, November 24, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

No, this pic above wasn't from yesterday, but doesn't it look like a Thanksgiving picture?!?  This was from October when we met all our peeps at Patti's.  I loved having everybody there together--my Michigan family, my Madisonville family, both my sons, my beautiful daughter in law and my amazing grandchildren.  I do feel so truly blessed to have had that chance for us to all be together.

So yesterday was a bit of a smaller celebration, but we're still beyond blessed and it was a great day.
Mark got up before sunrise to start the smoker.  We agreed this was the best bird ever!
We had a lovely keto meal--turkey, cauli-mash, green beans, deviled eggs, pumpkin "pie", chocolate pecan pie keto-style.  I have thought over and over to myself, I am so thankful we're not worried about fat pants or diabetes anymore.
We missed Judson and his family yesterday.  They're in the process of moving and Kyle was sick :/  So we'll have another Thanksgiving celebration next week.  Mark is thinking ribs for the smoker for that one!  I'm loving that smoker. . .

It's been wonderful having Isaac home lately.  Skye is pretty happy about him being here too :)

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