Thursday, March 22, 2018

March News

We moved grandma's hutch into the living room/dining area last week and I put V's dishes into it.  Mark painted it red for me a long time ago but we just painted the inside white again to help make the inside pop.  And we did all that because:
I love this new (old) hutch that Flea Market to Fabulous made beautiful again.  All the blue willow went into it and we're filling up the storage in the bottom :)
My sweet friends know how much we rely on bacon these days and they think of me when they run across bacon dishtowels. I love dishtowels anyway and then they're bacon dishtowels, even better!
This little daffodil is determined!  We have to make sure he gets planted properly this year.
Kyle and Judson playing chess.  Mark was so happy that Kyle is interested in chess that he bought a new set to have here at the house too. 
It's so good to have the kids nearby now. 
Betsy's drawing of her mom coming home from Target :)

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Some Days I Feel I Have Wings

A Mary Oliver poem I found a while back that spoke to me.   I'm 60 now and even a little more.  This is a very nice birthday and I'm soooo thankful for so many blessings.
 Mama's card made me laugh out loud!  It's perfect :)

Keto at The Apple Barn :)
Rachel and Judson and the kids came over last night for a pre-birthday celebration.  Mark grilled hamburgers, we had green beans, salad, deviled eggs, bacon-wrapped asparagus.  Now that's a plate full!
Love the little house vase and daffodils they brought!  Rachel piped the cupcakes for me. V's tablecloth looks so pretty--her mother, Mark's grandmother, embroidered it.