Saturday, March 03, 2018

Some Days I Feel I Have Wings

A Mary Oliver poem I found a while back that spoke to me.   I'm 60 now and even a little more.  This is a very nice birthday and I'm soooo thankful for so many blessings.
 Mama's card made me laugh out loud!  It's perfect :)

Keto at The Apple Barn :)
Rachel and Judson and the kids came over last night for a pre-birthday celebration.  Mark grilled hamburgers, we had green beans, salad, deviled eggs, bacon-wrapped asparagus.  Now that's a plate full!
Love the little house vase and daffodils they brought!  Rachel piped the cupcakes for me. V's tablecloth looks so pretty--her mother, Mark's grandmother, embroidered it. 

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