Saturday, September 08, 2018

30 Years

Mark and I just celebrated our thirtieth anniversary.  Here we were all those years ago:
I so remember that day.  Isaac wasn't happy because he didn't get to stay in the chapel during the ceremony.  But he did get the first bite of cake afterwards!  

The tux place sent shoes for Judson that were way too small.  I should have let him wear his tennis shoes. He was so happy to get to take them off afterwards.   Back then I thought it was  important that he wear dress shoes. I was wrong.  Ugh. One of the many mommy moments that I regret. 

And in the blink of an eye, it's been 30 years!  We rode the train up to Chicago to see Hamilton, walked to Navy Pier, and took a boat ride on the river among all the skyscrapers. It was a great weekend!

with Mark, the best husband in the whole wide world :)

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