Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas 2018

 A few pictures from our Christmas.  It has been so sad, but we made it through as we all have to when life hands us hard times. 
 Betsy enjoying the very last of the s'mores that were left over from their Halloween party. 
 Rachel makes sure the kids have new pajamas every Christmas Eve.  Go Cubs!
 One of my favorite Christmas treasures made by my mama. I love it so much  that I keep out all year round.  That's me as a little girl on Santa's lap and the picture at the bottom is all of us kids going to church one Sunday morning.  
This made me smile.  Somebody else besides me must be feeling bewildered by life too. 

 Mama sent this box to Betsy & Kyle.  I loved the puppets, they're so cute!
 Our Keto Christmas card
Our Skye girl can pose when she's knows she's earning a treat.  And now, on to the New Year. . .


  1. I love your pics. I do not remember the shadow box---it's really cute though. Sure wish I had one (hint, hint, if momma reads this comment.) Your tree is really pretty too. XOX.

  2. love the pjs and the kids. all, everything. That shadow box is really old, my word.
