Monday, March 04, 2019

Another Birthday

We went to Sgt Pepper's for a late lunch on my birthday.   We all miss Judson terribly, but it was good to be together.   I had a call from Isaac who is on his annual Costa Rica adventure, also phone calls and messages and lots of facebook birthday wishes.
 Mother Nature sent snow. 
Mark gave me Ninna Ricci perfume.  I haven't had any in years and I never see it in the stores anymore.  It was Nan's favorite and it makes me think of her.
I can't resist picking up another pot of bulbs every time we go to the grocery!
Keto birthday desserts-cheesecake and chocolate peanut butter pie.  Next time the pie is just going to be peanut butter cups.  Why bother with pie when you can have peanut butter cups?

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