Saturday, April 20, 2019

Daffodil Season

Tahiti daffodil bulbs are going in the shopping cart for this fall:  big double yellows with splashes of orange. They were everywhere at the botanical garden. 
We went to St Louis last week just to have something to do, something to think about. A lot of thinking has been  going on around here as we passed the six month mark since Judson's been gone. 

We've been thinking about buying a new house.  Mark is thinking about walking the Appalachian Trail next summer.  I'm thinking about writing a keto book--actually this is supposed to be a committed project but I have to confess I've been thinking more than writing lately!  Anyway, we're getting by as best we can and finding projects along the way.   We planted sweet peas in the garden today.  

And I'm going to add some of these Lightening Fire bulbs to the fall order too 💗


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