Thursday, December 12, 2019

Waiting on a Baby

We're still waiting for Jennifer and Isaac's baby to make its entrance into the world, so I went looking for some pictures from Isaac's birth.  I couldn't find the ones I was looking for, but these made me smile.
I never think of Isaac looking anything like me because he looks so much like Clayton.  
But when I saw these, I can tell we're related!
Isaac's mom
 Thanks to Clayton for writing these notes in his baby book.

 Isaac's baby is taking after him already.  Isaac was born a full month later than expected so there was lots of waiting involved back then. They assured me that he wasn't really a month overdue, we just miscalculated the due date.  Whatever our new baby's birth date, we're going to be so happy to see him--or her!

1 comment:

  1. These are definitely happy pictures! I love those boys! Can't wait til there's a new baby in town <3
