Friday, February 21, 2020

Yoga with Betsy

I've been having wonderful Monday nights lately.  Betsy has taken an interest in yoga and I jumped at the chance for us to go together.  She's growing up so beautifully and I am so blessed to get to hang out with her--in this case, literally hanging out in an aerial class!  After our first class, one of the other students asked her if she wanted to come back again, and she "well, of course!" with a big smile. 

I can't imagine ever taking a yoga class with my grandmother, things were so different back then.  I'm thankful for this time we are having together.

Saturday, February 08, 2020

February News

 Look at this bright-eyed Oceanna, she's just precious.  She looks a lot like her mom, but we see Isaac's features in her sweet little face too.  We'll be going to see her soon, can't wait to meet her!
A swag from last week at Petals & Co.  Next week is Valentine's week, so it will be roses roses everywhere!
Today is V's birthday, she's 82 years young.  Rachel and Kyle were up for a Sorry challenge.  I loved hearing them laugh together.  I try to avoid Sorry.  I feel bad when it's time to knock other people off the board and have to send them back to start all over.  Now if there were a version where we all helped each other get home, I'd be in for that one!