Saturday, February 08, 2020

February News

 Look at this bright-eyed Oceanna, she's just precious.  She looks a lot like her mom, but we see Isaac's features in her sweet little face too.  We'll be going to see her soon, can't wait to meet her!
A swag from last week at Petals & Co.  Next week is Valentine's week, so it will be roses roses everywhere!
Today is V's birthday, she's 82 years young.  Rachel and Kyle were up for a Sorry challenge.  I loved hearing them laugh together.  I try to avoid Sorry.  I feel bad when it's time to knock other people off the board and have to send them back to start all over.  Now if there were a version where we all helped each other get home, I'd be in for that one!

1 comment:

  1. I never tried Sorry but I am sure I would stink at it. I would like to have just watched.
