Sunday, May 03, 2020

 The pictures of Oceanna are so precious!  She's a cutie and it looks like they are having so much fun together. 
 Mark fishes in the pond and Skye watches him from the fence.  Mama asked me why she doesn't get to go fishing too, but she would be in the pond if we let her out there!

 "Our goal is to remember with more love than pain, at our own time, in our own way, and at our own pace" David Kessler

Judson's birthday on the 1st of May.  I always loved that his birthdate was May Day. It  seems the days leading up to special days like this are harder than the actual date itself.  We miss him something awful, but we're so glad we were given the gift of his life.
I wanted to make a three-layer cake just to have something special for his birthday.  It was small, six inch layers, and it was pretty for a minute. But there was an incident and only the top layer survived!  Actually, I think it turned out better than planned and it made me laugh.  Who needed those bottom layers anyway?!?   I finally wore my sweatshirt that says "mom, I'm fine."  I can just hear him saying that to me. . . 
 The top layer--with lots of coconut and pecans :-)
Look how she's growing!
I swore these iris weren't going to get to stay in the garden. But now that they've bloomed, I think they will get to stay.  I dread the weeding, but they're so pretty! 
Our neighbor John took this photo of sunset at the park. Our house is a few houses further down into  the park and we have a good view of those beautiful sunsets.

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