Friday, June 26, 2020

Lifting the Quarantine

We've been able to see Betsy and Kyle and Rachel again!  We have missed them so much.  This virus is still with us, but things are opening back up and the very best thing is getting to see the kids.  We wish Oceanna and Isaac and Jen were closer, we'd be visiting them too!


They all look so happy!  We're blessed and thankful that we're all healthy and have been able to ride out the virus without being infected so far.  And I got to go see mama for her 85th birthday too!  We had already missed one planned visit due to the virus precautions, so it was extra special to be able to visit.  We had a great time.

Happy 85th!
Mama reading in PJ's back yard.  I love her tri-colored beech tree, it looks like it's in bloom all the time.

mama weeding in her garden
and PJ helping

Wearing the mask is not very fun, but mama has made some really cute ones and if they help us get out in the world again, we're all for the masks.
Another scene from our stay-at-home days.  Zoom meetings!
It's not easy to get Kyle to smile for a picture!  I love this one of he and Rachel. 

1 comment:

  1. Second time to look, love every picture and can't pick a favorite of Oceana. Seems like yesterday Betsy and Kyle were little and seems like yesterday I was not 85. Love you.
