Thursday, May 06, 2021

May 1st

May 1, Judson's birthday.  I always loved that he was a May Day baby, such a nice day to have for a birthday.  We miss him so much.
Betsy & Kyle came over to hang out with us.  We made a chocolate cake, keto-style, complete with sprinkles.  
We went to meet our newest golden, Murphy.  He isn't old enough to leave his mama yet, but he'll be coming home May 22nd.  We can't wait for more golden love.
I found this picture of Judson back when he was about Kyle's age.  He looks so happy here.  Those beautiful eyes and the freckles make me smile.

Our Isaac and Jen and little Oceanna are coming to visit soon, so watch this space for those pictures too!

I can't wait to show Oceanna the garden :)
 Isaac with his thunderegg discovery.  Wow, that's a big one!


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